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Workers Compensation Law: 4 Things To Claim In A Workplace Injury Compensation Case

If you sustain injuries at work, you may be eligible for compensation from your company. Usually, you'll get reimbursed for the costs you have incurred while receiving treatment for the injuries. In addition, you are entitled to earn a percentage of your regular paycheck for the recuperation period you will stay away from work. Unfortunately, obtaining these benefits isn't as easy as it sounds, which calls for the intervention of a worker's compensation attorney. Your lawyer will assist you in negotiating a settlement that adequately covers the following expenses.

Healthcare Costs

Generally, your employer's insurance will cover the price of any treatment required to treat your work-related injury or disability. In most cases, this compensation is not restricted to any monetary value and, according to the law, has to be enough to cater to all your medical expenses. These include but are not limited to medication bills, hospitalization, physiotherapy and any necessary medical equipment needed to get you back on your feet. In addition to the current healthcare costs you've incurred, your attorney will include all the future treatments your doctor recommends in the claim figure. 

Salary Dropped

Payouts for missed pay vary depending on the kind and severity of an employee's injury. Compensation on lost income also varies from state to state. A government-imposed weekly earnings restriction may also apply to an injured or disabled worker. Usually, employers offer and pay temporary injury benefits according to the law requirements until the injured worker returns to work or is certified fit by a doctor.

Temporary Incapability

You may be classified as having a temporary or total impairment if the injuries cause you to be out of work for a prolonged period. During this period, the company gives you a portion of your salary. In addition, the costs of treatment, rehabilitation, and consultations with medical professionals are incorporated into the claim.


When an unfortunate death occurs at work, the employer's insurance company calculates the claim value and pays the deceased's kin. Typically, the compensation should include medical and funeral expenses. Besides, they should cover for intangible losses such as loss of the deceased's future earnings, loss of consortium, and pain and suffering experienced by the family.

The above aspects are only a handful of many others you can get reimbursed following a workplace injury. With the assistance of a workers compensation lawyer, you will obtain compensation to cover the losses you have incurred due to your employer's negligence.