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Should You File A Dog Bite Lawsuit?

Dogs are touted as man's best friends, but an aggressive or frightened dog can easily injure a human. Dog bites can range in severity. The one thing that many dog bites have in common is that they leave lasting scars on the individual who was attacked- both physical and mental scars. Personal injury lawsuits pertaining to dog bites help victims seek damages for their injuries. Determining whether or not you should file a lawsuit after being bitten by a dog can be challenging, but you can use the following questions to help you make an informed decision. Read More 

How Can You Prove The Other Parent Is Unfit?

In most cases, two parents who no longer live together can work with a child custody attorney to come to a legally bound agreement about who has the child or children and when. Making sure a child has time with both of their parents is no doubt important, but there are situations when a parent is unfit for unsupervised visitation. If you are in a situation in which you know your child would not be safe alone with the other parent, you will have to prove to the court that the other parent is unfit. Read More 

4 Ways You Can Sabotage Your Settlement After A Car Accident

After a car accident, you may be injured and want to seek a settlement to pay for your medical and other expenses. However, even if you are legitimately injured, there are some things you can do that can sabotage your settlement. These four actions may reduce or completely wipe away your settlement. Talking About the Accident With the Wrong People After the accident, contact your insurance company and tell them everything, but when it comes to other people, be quiet. Read More 

Injured In An Auto Accident With A Criminal Driver? How Does This Impact Your Claim?

While just about every licensed driver will be involved in at least one or two accidents over the course of a driving lifetime (with the "average" driver turning in an insurance claim about every 18 years), the process is never a pleasant one—particularly if you're injured as a result of someone else's negligence behind the wheel. Unfortunately, insult can often be added to this injury if you find that the at-fault driver was engaged in the commission of a crime at the time of your accident and his or her insurance policy is refusing to make an offer of settlement or disclaiming responsibility for any eventual monetary judgment. Read More 

2 Options You Can Use To Handle Back Taxes You Owe

If you owe the government money for back taxes, you will need to find a way to clear up the debt. If you don't, the government can come after you and place liens on your property and garnish your wages. This type of debt will not go away on its own. Luckily, there are options you can use to settle the debt, but you may want to hire a tax attorney to assist you. Read More